It was a great lunch as we talked about Malawi and the needs and ministry opportunities in this small African nation. It became clear that this businessman was interested in providing clean water to the more than 7 million Malawians who do not have access to safe drinking water. By the end of our lunch, I was holding a check in my hands that was enough to drill 2 -- maybe 3 wells! While the amount on the check was large -- that wasn't the primary source of the smile on our faces. Rather, it was the fact that early next year another 5,000 - 10,000 people in Malawi will have access to clean, safe water!
While safe, clean water is something you and I take for granted, it is considered out of reach by more than 50% of Malawians. We know that access to clean water stops disease, encourages good health and makes the life of women and children much easier -- since it is primarily their responsibility to get water for their families.
Visionledd and Somebody Cares are partnering together in Malawi to make safe, clean water accessible to everyone in the communities they work in. What that means on the ground is that everyone in a community lives within about 1 kilometer of a well. That is a huge task when you are working in over 30 communities that are home to more than 500,000 people.
Karl Pumping Water Out of a New Well
In the last 3 years Visionledd and Somebody Cares were able to drill or repair over a dozen wells. With each well providing water to 2,000 - 5,000 people, that means at least 24,000 people now have safe, clean water. But there are a lot more wells to drill.
A Young Malawian Girl Learning to Carry Water
If you'd like to help provide safe, clean water to the people of Malawi, send us an email (
Thanks for praying for us and standing with us.
We hope you have a blessed Christmas and a new year that will be all that you desire it to be.
Karl and Debbie